Prohibited Products prohibits the listing or sale of any item that is set forth in the list of prohibited items. If a vendor lists a prohibited item, it will be deemed to be a violation of the selling cooperation agreement that you signed, regardless of whether the vendor acted intentionally or not. If determines that a listing is in violation or is otherwise inappropriate, it may, at its discretion, remove the listing and cancel any related transactions up to and including termination or suspension. may not be used in connection with any product, service, transaction, or activity that, in general:

  • Violates any law or government regulation, or promotes or facilitates such action by third parties;
  • Is fraudulent, deceptive, unfair, or predatory;
  • Causes or threatens to damage’s reputation;
  • Violates the terms of any bank, card, or electronic funds transfer network;
  • Results in or creates a significant risk of chargebacks, penalties, damages, or other harm or liability;

The list of prohibited items may be updated from time to time at discretion. Examples of items that fall under certain categories may also be expanded to provide better communication and context for our users. may not be used to sell any of the following products or services:

  • Anything is not legal footwear.
  • Stolen goods:
    • Note: If a purchased item is reported as stolen, a demand for return may be received from the victim or another party, and the item may be confiscated.
  • Counterfeit goods or goods infringing on a third party’s intellectual property rights:
    • Listings of non-brand, non-genuine, imitation, fake, or replica
    • Items in violation of a copyright, including handmade or other items with copyrighted characters, brand logos, etc.
    • Note: For brand-name products, serial numbers or receipts must be available when listing the item.
  • Digital items: any items where the order is fulfilled electronically or requires a download. such as:
    • Giftcards, PDF files, and user-generated content (UGC).
  • Items not in your possession:
    • Coupons to purchase products
  • Items that are a safety hazard include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Restricted from shipping in the mail or other delivery services
    • Products that have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission may not be sold on the platform.
  • Age-restricted products or products that require legal approval, vendor/buyer registration, or licenses to be sold.

Note: Any item may be removed at our discretion.